Product Name:
Doodle styleEco-Friendlybreathablesilicone bra
Invisible bra is comprised of two parts,innerside will touch skin directly with glue.The quality of glue is directly affectviscosity,it is the difficulty of producing silicone bra.The outside isnon-stick,we are talking is the outside material.Viscosity of the good or bad,is directly related to the inner use of glue, which is invisible bra producedproblems where. The outer layer is a viscous material, said here refers to thecup outer layer of material.
The material of silicone braoutside.
Invisible bra's outside material,it can bedivided into two kinds:silicone and cloth.The advantages of silicone invisiblebra as belows:
A:Docile nature,it won't leave the air afteryou wear the silicone invisible
bra because of it is sealed between your breastsand
silicone bra.You need not to worry about the fall when you wearingthem.
B. To perfect your and raise up your breast,itis the best suitable for bride,model,actress,it can be suit for any occasionsand time,such as when you wearing transparent dress,backless costume,tightclothes,coveralls,holiday dresses,evening dresses and models forphotographing.
C. The touch feels very realistic, almost thesame as real.